Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Postmodern Principles Book

I know this post is a little late but I figured better late than never.
For my postmodern principle book project I made a few before I was even close to content with my work.  Below is the best out of approximately 4 that I had made.  The idea was to make a collage of a physical place and represent it in a way using juxtaposition.  Since I have a love for the "greater outdoors" and nature in general I decided to first start by finding magazine clippings with lots of  mountains, trees, and beautiful blue skies.   Since juxtaposition deals with things being placed in a way they typically aren't I started to think about what doesn't belong out in nature.  The first thing that came to mind was stumbling upon a Starbucks in the middle of the woods.  It's common in many cities to see one just about every block, but it's not what one would expect to see in nature.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find the image I had wanted of one, and so I decided to play off that type of idea and decided to paste highly recognisable commercial logos.   In this way I used juxtaposition to comment on how I feel these commercial things start to gain more importance than the land around us and how eventually our emphasis on "stuff" will destroy the natural beauty in our world.
At a later point I will post the actual lesson plan format once I get a hold of it.

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