Friday, November 18, 2011

More About My Internship

The seven Wednesdays I spent this semester during Field Work III has to have been the best experience I have had to date being out in the field.  As mentioned in a previous blog my cooperating teacher was of great help in answering my questions and giving me advice for lesson planning and classroom management.  The experience I gained in giving a lesson plan to high school students has made me feel much more confident than I had before with talking in front of a class.  Of course, my favorite part of each day I spent in the school was talking to students about their artwork.  I love to hear when students get excited about what they are making, and much enjoy offering assistance when they are in need of it.  During my field work I was able to see a variety of lessons taught by my cooperating teacher.  For the basic drawing class students learned about making books.  The books were composed of recycled papers and were made to document works created through out the school year.  Many of the different observational drawings, including the stippling/ cross hatching ones from the lesson my partner and I taught were to be pasted inside.
Even though I am more of a drawing/painting person, I really enjoyed being part of the ceramics class my teacher had.  The projects I got to see during this time included animal sculptures, coil pots, thrown works on the wheel and nesting boxes.  In the beginning I thought I wouldn't be able to offer much assistance with such projects because of my limited experience with clay but I was wrong.  I forgot that I really had acquired at least a good base of knowledge working with it and was able to help a few students who were having issues keeping added portions of clay intact with the rest of their sculptures.
What also was nice about this experience is I was able to use the pugger and make clay for the students on days supplies were running low.  Using that machine was a first for me, but it was fun.  

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