Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Postmodern Principles Accordion Book

Postmodern Principles Accordion Books


  • to introduce students to postmodern principles
  • to expand students' understanding of artistic elements
  • to allow students to have individual  voice as an artist
  • to practice craftsmanship with various materials
  • Handout on assembling accordion book
  • Handout with defined postmodern principles and artist examples
  • Cardboard covers
  • Heavyweight paper strips (same height as covers), 2+ per student
  • Small manila envelopes
  • Colored construction paper
  • Recycled papers and magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Drawing materials (pencils, markers, sharpies)

After looking at examples of artist work that uses the principles, and discussion on some of them students will create their own work using at least one of the principles.  Students will focus on a place they care about to create a collage using the principle(s) they chose to work with.  As part of the assignment students will incorporate a secret to their book that may better help readers understanding of it.  Students will also make an about the author page on the back cover of the book.  A sense of unity will be emphasized in order for students to create a book where all the pages can work together, holding a sculptural quality when the books are displayed in an open manner.

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